Saturday, April 17, 2010

Getting involved

I added a button to the blog today. It's a link to Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. He is advocating for better school lunches, something vitally important as more and more families in this country depend entirely on school cafeterias to nourish their children and educate them about food. It's frightening to walk through the lunch line every day and see the same endless parade of brown foods...breaded and fried chicken strips, fried veggies, rolls...nothing with any real nutritional value.

I also skimmed the Facebook petition to ban High Fructose Corn Syrup from the United States. I completely agree that we consume entirely too much of this artificial sweetener ("fine in moderation", as the commercials say, but how can it be used moderately when it's in everything?). I lost about 10 pounds simply by cutting back the number of Cokes containing HFCS I consumed every day. It's disturbing to shop the center aisle and even the dairy case at the grocery store! Everything has corn in one form or another, or was fed corn when it was alive. While that's truly a post for another day, I was interested in the Facebook petition. However, I decided not to sign. I want to see a change in the ingredients in food in this country, but further legislation will not bring about positive change. The only way to truly influence the food industry is to put money behind my beliefs. If I believe that HFCS is bad, then I will stop buying products that contain it. While my personal statement is very small, if enough people make the change, eventually the economic pressure will be substantial. Also, in the meantime, I can use the money I'm not spending on HFCS products to support products that use more natural ingredients.

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