Saturday, July 11, 2009


Matt and I are in Savannah celebrating our anniversary and generally kicking back for a few days! It's so beautiful here! I don't know what I expected, but Savannah has had so many surprises for me. Here are a few pictures! More to come when we get back to Greensboro.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Cold beer on a Friday night"

This past weekend, our friends Brad, Jenny, and Johnathan joined us at a Zak Brown Band concert. It was easily one of the most fun shows I've ever seen! It was in a big warehouse-turned-dance hall near the airport. We were pretty much right in the middle of the dance floor. The music, of course, was wonderful. I really enjoyed their version of The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Their fiddle player is AWESOME! Chicken Fried is a little bit of magic for all of us, of course. It was so great just to dance and hang out and enjoy the music.

Saturday night we all went to The Comedy Zone and then we used our free tickets to go across the parking lot to Arizona Pete's, which is a country dance club. We had another great evening. :)

I borrowed this picture from Jenny's Facebook...she was the only one who thought to bring a camera. Thanks Jenny!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Spring Weather

We had the worst storm I've experienced in a long time this evening. Even the hurricane that came through Greenville right after I moved down there wasn't quite this scary, although the aftermath was worse because of flooding.

Here are some pictures taken at about 7:15 (in other words, broad daylight).

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Macy <3's Matt!

This past weekend we went down to Cherryville to visit Lindsey and Johnathan. Their Miniature Schnauzer puppy, Macy, LOVED Matt. :)

Calm puppy.


Oh no, not the ears!

Macy thinks she is a hat.

That tickles, Macy!

Whew! Distracted for the moment.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We've encountered quite a bit of wildlife lately!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Great Yard Work Adventure of 2009 - Part 1

Matt and I would love to have a garden. Unfortunately, our yard has been neglected for about 10 years and is somewhat jungly (complete with snaky vines hanging from the trees!) So it looks like a garden is something for next year and we'll have to spend this year preparing. We started this weekend by clearing out a pile of branches and other dead stuff, tearing down armfuls of vines and brambles, and taking out a few trees. Here's how it's going so far!

Matt cut down a tree with an ancient axe. I was somewhat impressed! We had to cut it up into smaller pieces to haul it off.

The stump of said tree. Now what?

Brambles abound!

Sunlight! This used to be my grandmother's rose bed. :( Hopefully I can restore it to some of it's former beauty.

Our azaleas aren't open yet, but they are going to be gorgeous!