Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Doesn't everyone do this in January?

I am thinking of resurrecting the pedometer habit I developed awhile back. My cute new iPod nano, Yoda, has a built in pedometer, and I can even connect it to a Nike website that shows how far I've walked and how many calories I've burned.

I am quite willing to tell people that I weigh 150 pounds. They usually look at me, aghast, and ask where I've put all that weight. While this is flattering, I wish I knew. My size twelve pants are getting tighter by the day, though, and I'm not ok with that part.

Our Rush membership expires this summer. I'm grateful, really, because I don't think we've been nearly good enough about going. It's nice to know there's a pool if we want it, but honestly, it's been over a year since I set foot in the place. There are many, many things I can do that don't cost nearly as much (although I'm not even the one paying the fee).

It's very difficult to make myself exercise after a long day at school. I'm usually frustrated and tired when I leave here, and I yearn for a blanket, a salty snack, and a book or some internet time. Or retail therapy with a fast food snack. I have no interest in changing clothes, getting all sweaty, and then having to shower before bed, etc. Yuck. Exercising before school seems to be beyond my capabilities as a human...I'm good, but not that good. :) Morning is my worst time of day.

I need exercise. My body is way out of shape. So are my habits.

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