Yesterday marked one week since I went into labor. I don't want to forget everything (ok, I might want to forget some things...), so I'm going to try and describe some of it here.
Tuesday Matt and I both worked, like usual. I had been having mild Braxton-Hicks contractions since Sunday, but nothing that required immediate attention. After work, I went to play practice, but cut out early because we had things to do at home. Matt got home not long after I did, and we went out to Babies R Us and Target to get some things for the nursery. We bought a mattress for the crib and splurged on some really cute stuff from the baby girl section at Target. On the way to the grocery store, where we were hoping to find a bucket of fried chicken, I felt a particularly hard contraction. I told Matt about it, but just kept driving. We got our dinner and headed home. I let Matt drive because I'd had a couple more contractions in the store and I wanted to try and figure out how far apart they were.
We came home and had dinner, although I wasn't very hungry and only ate a little mac n cheese and a bite or two of chicken. My contractions established a pattern of lasting about 1 minute and being 10-15 minutes apart. Matt and I started gathering hospital bags, packing last minute things, and putting things away in the nursery. We both emailed work to set up sub plans. Throughout our preparations, my contractions continued, as close together as 7 minutes. We kept stopping to look at each other in amazement - "Is this really it? Are we going to meet our daughter soon?" We were so excited!
Matt went to bed around 1:00, and I laid down with him for a little while, but I couldn't sleep. I timed contractions and thought about Baby Girl and tossed and turned. After an hour, I couldn't stand to lay there anymore, so I moved my cell phone (with its contraction counter app) and my big 'ole belly to the living room, where I watched several episodes of the original X-Men cartoon while rocking on my yoga ball and relaxing with a heating pad on my back.
At around 3:00, my contractions were less than 5 minutes apart, but they were only lasting about 45 seconds. I decided to call the on-call service for my doctor's office, and the nurse advised me to go ahead and make my way to the hospital. I knew there wasn't a rush yet, so I took my time. I went to wake Matt up, and he started out very confused - he was muttering something about observations. It only took him a minute or two to wake up, though, and we started getting ourselves together. I called my mom and she said she was going to go ahead and start getting ready. We left the house around 3:30. Poor Jazzi didn't understand why she was in her crate at such a crazy hour.
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