Tuesday, November 22, 2011

23 weeks!

Our sweet baby girl (yes, it's a girl!) is getting bigger all the time!  I feel her kicking me when I get still at night and any time I'm not sitting up straight enough.  She doesn't like being squished.

Today I had an ultrasound.  It was like a visit with my little girl.  I loved every minute of it (except when the tech squirted the gel in my belly button - ick!).  :)

Apparently according to their super-high tech measurements, our little girl's head is 20 cm around, her tummy is 18 cm around, and her tiny femur is 2 inches long!  What a miracle is growing inside me.

Perfect, tiny fingers and a thumb!

I love this one!  Her chubby bottom is on the right, and then her knee is on the left, with a little foot underneath.  Too precious.

In this one, you can see her profile and she's got her mouth open.  :)

1 comment:

Jordan said...

What a beautiful miracle you have there! I'm so happy for you, Erin!!