Sunday, June 5, 2011

Square Foot Gardening

We've got lots of pretty plants growing, both uncultivated and in our square foot gardens!  Hopefully later in the summer, we'll have some delicious fruits and veggies to enjoy!

Decades ago my grandparents grew grapes.  They were supported by wires strung between three huge pylons in the back yard.  Today, they grow in a wild tangle with blackberries (below) and brambles and other fun stuff.  I've spent a considerable amount of time out there, working to clear out things that aren't grapes or blackberries and generally make that area more accessible.  Maybe by next year, I'll have it so under control that we can restring the wires, retrain the grapes, and mow around them!
 I planted beans!  They are called Lazy Housewife beans, which made me smile.  They can be eaten young, as snaps, which are not my favorite, or they can be left to dry on the vines and eaten as shelled beans.  They've really taken over, which makes me think they'll live up to their name, as I have done absolutely nothing except plant them and give them a trellis to climb.

 The sweet peas are still small, but they are blooming!
 One of the tomato plants has blooms too!
 And our garden has a tiny guardian!
 I bought a pitcher plant and a Venus fly trap at the Farmer's Market yesterday!  The vendor said to leave them in their peat moss/sandy soil and leave them outside.  In other words, leave it alone!  :)

The Venus fly trap bloomed as soon as I got it home.  Can't wait to share these with my students next year.
The soybeans, which I will harvest while they're young and green and eat shelled as edamame, have tiny purple blooms!

1 comment:

Thomas Bien said...

I call dibs on the grapes.
I'm gonna make some wine!
(Or make matt do it)