Five years bring a lot of changes. Since we got married, we've experienced lots of things.
We had a miscarriage. Then we had Genevieve. Our lives have changed in incredible, wonderful, beautiful ways. She is the most amazing, wonderful thing we've ever done, by far. We are so lucky that she's a happy, friendly, laid back baby. She cries when she's hungry or wet, and otherwise just lights up our days with her little face. We've become granola parents, embracing breastfeeding and cloth diapers because they are good for our little girl, good for our wallets, and good for the Earth.
We lost four grandparents. We gained three nephews (with two more babies coming later this year). We gained four cousins by marriage, three by engagement, and nine more by birth (with one on the way).
We moved from our apartment in Greenville to Erin's family home in Greensboro. We hosted a Wrenn family Christmas. We reestablished Dinner Group with a whole new set of people. We wished the founding members of our new dinner group well as they moved away - to Memphis, to Iowa, to the Navy.
We've helped three best friends get married. We've celebrated the engagement of another best girlfriend and two couples from dinner group. We're looking forward to helping another wonderful couple of guys get married later this month. We're also looking forward to the birth of another dinner group baby in October!
Erin has had three different teaching jobs and five classrooms. She has found a home at Canterbury School and is looking forward to the exciting things she has planned for the coming year. Matt has had two jobs. He is currently teaching at our alma mater, Grimsley, where he is growing their theatre program by leaps and bounds and producing excellent shows.
Matt found two new hobbies - hunting and homebrewing. Erin learned to cook venison and has requested three deer for next year. Since we had two last year and it's almost gone with 3.5 months left until hunting season, that seems about right. Yum - deer and beer!
We continue to love on Jazzi, who surveys her domain (the backyard) and tries very hard to rid the world of obnoxious things like flies and groundhogs. Erin also adopted Nacho the bearded dragon from a family at school. He lives in her classroom during the year and came home with her for the summer. :)
We've traveled! We've been to Boston and Nantucket (for our honeymoon); Vancouver; Savannah; Lincoln, Nebraska and Memphis; New York City/Corning/Niagra Falls; and most recently Asheville. Matt has also been to San Diego and back to NYC with students. We've spent tons of weekends with friends at Smith Mountain Lake and in Cary, Lincolnton, and Blacksburg.
Our lives are dramatically different after five years. Life hasn't always been easy, and there have been some sad, difficult times. But we are stronger than ever. Our marriage only gets sweeter with time. As I told a friend recently, if it doesn't keep getting better, you're not doing it right. We like to think we're doing pretty well. <3