Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The cat is out of the bag!

That's right, we're pregnant again!

Specifically, I'm 12 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  The baby is due March 20.  All is well so far!  We saw the baby's heartbeat at 7 and 10 weeks.  It was amazing how much the baby developed in those three weeks!  At 7 weeks, the ultrasound kind of just looked like a banana, but at 10 weeks, we could really see the baby!  In fact, it kicked while we were watching it!  It was truly wonderful.

 7 weeks

I told everyone at work this week, which means I can officially announce it to all our friends here too!  We're so very excited!

This past weekend, we had friends visiting, and the four of us went shopping (as usual).  Only this time, we shopped for baby stuff!  We found teeny tiny baby shoes with hedgehogs on them, and bought them even though they were pink.  (Yes, we plan to find out the sex of our baby, but our appointment for that is not until October 21.)  We also found a onesie and pants set with hedgehogs, and a bib set to match.  Those were gray and yellow, so we snagged them as well, and Baby can wear them no matter the sex.  Our friends also bought us a t-shirt that says "Kiss me, I'm Irish."  As our baby will most certainly be Irish, it's quite adorable.

It's been so much fun to call our family and out of town friends and tell them.  I've been floating on a cloud the last couple of days!  The responses have been so joyful!

And here's a picture of me, just because.  It's not all that flattering, but that's ok!  Just remember, I took it all by myself before 7 this morning.  I'm not really starting to show, but I don't think it'll be long.  My pants haven't fit in weeks.  ;)