The garden isn't doing all that well, but I've got some cool pictures to share anyway! I think that the square foot garden boxes are too shaded. Next year, we're going to have to look at moving them or building additional ones, maybe out in the field or in the back yard where they won't be so shaded. Another problem, pointed out by a friend, is the lack of bees to pollinate the squash and eggplant! Bees are a struggling species in the southeastern US, and although that might sound at first like a blessing, it's really kind of scary! What will happen to all the bee-pollinated plants, especially vegetables and fruits that we eat, if the bees die?
Anyway, here are some pictures of our tiny cherry tomatoes! They are delicious!
We also have cucumbers. I love how the little tendrils curl around things. They are so deceptively delicate! And they grow at a crazy rate!
We also have a few shell beans drying in their pods, but I didn't take a picture of them. And finally, just for your viewing pleasure, a very unusual bug in extreme close up!