Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We are all moved in to our home and our classrooms (Matt might not agree with that completely). Our internet is established and working nicely. The carpet guys are coming Thursday! We had a lovely housewarming party last weekend. The school rush officially begins tomorrow, which is very exciting! :)

For tonight, I just wanted to confirm that we are indeed settling in very well. Also, I wanted to post a list of all the wildlife we've seen so far. It's amazing, because even so close to the river, we never saw much wildlife in Greenville. I love having a little bit of land. :)

-Hawk (which sits on the back windowsills and screeches bad-temperedly)
-Groundhog (well, evidence of one)
-Tiny hoppy toads that look like rocks
-Canada goose (just one!)
-Possum (Mama in the driveway, baby in the basement)
-Mice (inside, unfortunately)
-Black widow spiders (these we could do without)
-Kittens in the front yard at dusk
-Red tailed fox

Oh, yes, and Jazzi, of course! :)

More to come, including pictures of the finished rooms and classrooms. :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All moved in

We officially live in Greensboro now! Hooray! Matt says we're never moving again. It took us about 7 hours to load the truck in Greenville and about 4 to unload it in Greensboro. We are about 40% unpacked and settled. Fortunately, school doesn't start for three-ish more weeks.

Fun things to look forward to include:
-August 1 - Papa turns 79. Dinner out sometime over the weekend to celebrate!
-August 1-3 - Dingo comes to visit (Matt's dog, who lives with Steve and Margo now)
-August 1 - Midnight football thing at Grimsley
-August 5-8 - Language Arts teacher training where I get to meet my fellow 6th grade language arts teachers
-August 9-10 - Smith Mountain Lake Wrenn family gathering
-August 9 - Cable, internet, and phone installed
-August 15 - Party at our house! Call for details...we still have our Greenville #'s

Yes, that's right, I won't have internet at home until August 9. We will be frequenting my parents' and in-laws' homes for access, but I probably won't be blogging much. :(

Pictures to come when the internet is hooked up. Mostly everything should be done by then, except maybe the guest bedroom. Yay!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Jazzi

At Father's Day in Yadkinville, Jazzi and Corky had a great time playing. Jazzi is a little bit bigger than Corky, though. :)


Here's a video of Jazzi being funny. The oscillating fan kept blowing on her and her ears would twitch every time. So cute!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Please don't make me go!

This is how Mom feels about going back out to the house to paint tonight. :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Back to work!

Sadly, after our lovely anniversary evening, I got up and drove right back to Greensboro to do more interviews and more work on the house. I'll post a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure, including one of Mom's bruise (she fell off the bottom step onto the carport on Saturday when we were leaving the house after dark).

Mom's bruise.

Daddy still had wallpaper stuck to his feet the next morning, but at least it's all down! The hall is going to look great!

Mom managed to get a stain in the shape of a chili pepper on her pants today.

Trying possible flooring options for the back bathroom (the one with the brown tile and the soon-to-be-blue walls). We're holding it up to the wall because it will be next to the darker brown tile when it is laid, but there's a white strip covering it up at the floor right now. I like this option because it will not show dirt or scratches at all. Plus, it is the closest match to the colors in the tiles.

And a close up of the same vinyl floor.

This is the other choice for that bathroom. I think it's too light and too yellow and it would show wear a lot sooner. However, I do like the pattern on it.

Here you can see how yellow it really is.

Margo stopped by this afternoon to see the house while we were working. It was fun to give her the grand tour, although I can't wait for it to be FINISHED so I can show it all off!

Also: Harold the AC guy came today, but he has to come back tomorrow with a taller ladder so he can get up in the attic and fix the broken pipe so the AC won't leak. Then it should be good and the house won't be 85 degrees or higher when we're working.

Lee at Lowe's has put the estimator's measurements in the computer, so all I have to do is go and tell him what kind of flooring I want and he will give me the numbers. I am hoping for some good financing options.

Tomorrow I am going to call Thompson's Pest Control again and see if they will come and spray ASAP. I don't think I really want to move in there until it has been sprayed.

Our Anniversary!

Monday, July 7th was our first anniversary as a married couple! (Obviously, if you've known us long enough, we've celebrated other anniversaries...in middle and high school, it was April 14th, in college it was December 21st, and later the anniversary of our engagement was September 2nd.)

To celebrate, we dressed up nicely and walked around Lowe's, looking at things for our house in Greensboro. :) Then we went to The Daily Grind for dinner. Yum! We had already exchanged gifts by this point (I got Matt a new grill and some "grill stuff" and he got me a bottle of expensive tequila, Cabo Wabo, and a gift certificate to a spa in Greensboro once I choose one.), so after dinner we went home and just spent a nice quiet evening together. After the craziness that has been our life for the last few weeks, I really enjoyed a quiet evening at home with my husband and dog.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

More pictures!

Yawn! Not a lot of commentary tonight because I'm exhausted. Back to Greenville tomorrow to celebrate our one year anniversary on Monday!

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy for now...more to come!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Long day of work!

My parents and I spent all day at the house working. We're exhausted. Many thanks to Thomas and Mandy for stopping by to help and staying for hours! :) Yay! We cleared a lot of wallpaper today...the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are done, and the hall is about 1/4 done...maybe a little less. It's a lot harder because it's been painted over, but it's going to look so good when it's done!

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. :)

Making the Daddy face and eliminating spiders!

Thomas was very disturbed that we fit on the countertops.

Wallpaper chaos...and the remains of a rainbow on the wall.

Taking a break.

Jazzi helped peel some wallpaper!

Tha hall wallpaper wants to stay attached. Yuck.

But the kitchen looks great! Ready for paint! (When we pick a color...)

A tornado? Nope...wallpaper peeling fiends! Thanks Thomas and Mandy!

Hall wallpaper again.

This is what Jazzi REALLY spent her day doing. :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Welcome and unwelcome visitors, paint colors

Sharon came and hung out with me at the house today! She helped me try paint colors and offered her excellent advice and bargain hunting skills. Then she bought me [more] birthday ice cream! Yay! Thanks, Sharon!
There is a great deal of wildlife around our new house. This is partly because it's been empty for 5 years and partly because it's on one of the last undisturbed pieces of land in the area. With the new highway going right behind our property, animals are forced more and more often to live in close proximity to humans.

Twice now I have seen some kind of hawk perch on the window sills of the high windows in the back bedrooms and flap and screech like he wants to get it. It makes a lot of noise, but he surely is majestic to watch.

A less welcome guest (or three): black widow spiders! Ugh! We found 3 today. I am so glad they were outside (on the other side of the glass from me! Yay! Here are some pictures before Daddy exterminated them!

These are the paint colors we are considering for three of the rooms.

The bedroom (and possibly guest bedroom too): We want our bedroom to match the sheets and comforter we already have, so we thought we'd go with a nice mushroomy color. Sharon, Mom, and I aren't sure this is the right color, though. Mom suggested I try the next lightest color on the card and she promised to go to Lowe's with me tomorrow and help me look at other colors that are close to this one. Hmm. Also, notice the pink and purple heart wall paper and the pinky-purple paint on the walls. Definitely my room, last painted when I was 6. Whoo hoo!

The brown bathroom: What goes well with brown tiles?! I think blue, and I really like this one, even though it went on really weird because the roller was wet. Like Sharon said, "It looks like a cloudy sky!" :) It will match our blue bathroom stuff, at any rate.

Click here to see our pretty blue bathroom stuff. I think it will look great!

And finally, the kitchen: I'm really struggling with this one. Let's start by saying that the cabinets are really pretty, but the wallpaper is old and ugly and the paint underneath is, of course, much worse. So. I thought green would be nice in the kitchen because it matches our dishes (check them out here in celery and cream) and some of our other stuff. I didn't want it to look quite this institutional, though. Still hunting, because I don't like what I have.

Tell us what you think!

New home - on the web, and in Greensboro!

I decided to start yet another blog to showcase all the great things that are going on in our lives right now. Most exciting is our impending move to Greensboro, where we will be living in a house my grandfather built in the 1960's and in which both my dad and I grew up. I'm really excited about it, and probably most of the posts for now will be about the house (which needs some attention) and our move.